شناسه خبر : 274 لینک کوتاه
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Chinese Firms under Scrutiny

Chinese companies have seen significant growth in a quick fashion, but they’re still not on par with longstanding American and European companies such as Chevron, Shell and Total.

Gholam Hossein Hassan-Tash

Chinese companies have seen significant growth in a quick fashion, but they're still not on par with longstanding American and European companies such as Chevron, Shell and Total. The Chinese try to get the most out of every opportunity and join consortiums with stronger companies to grow bigger. The presence of Chinese firms in Iraq is an example of such attitude. They join consortiums to cover their technological weaknesses by the help of bigger companies.
The withdrawal of Chinese oil companies from Iran oil fields is potentially the result of two things. First, they tend to gain a foothold in international consortiums and cooperate with European and American firms, thus they find it detrimental to collaborate with a country under global sanctions. Second, concerning Iran-Iraq joint oil fields, it is possible that the Iraqi side serves their interests better and that the Chinese would not want to risk their fortune.
It takes the knowledge of high-ranking decision makers to judge the reasons behind the termination of Chinese firms' contracts. Otherwise, it would not be a fair call. Needless to say, a company which undertakes a project and fails to meet the deadlines should be dealt with very strictly; otherwise they will make a habit of working recklessly and prolonging projects. Chinese companies may try to undertake projects but refuse to proceed according to their contracts since they look forward to the results of the nuclear negotiations and removal of sanctions so as to move accordingly. Such attitude is intolerable and I assume that delinquent firms must face punishment, unless the next part of the plan is undecided. We also have to take into consideration the fact that when a company signs a contract to work in an oil field but the legal aspect of the contract is unclear, other companies will be unwilling to contribute, unless everything is decided by the first company.
The extensive participation of Chinese firms in Iranian and global markets has little to do with political and economic exchanges and is basically the result of proper planning, management and research and development. The Chinese always enter the foray whole-heartedly, with national unity and with long-term plans in mind. Turning into an international exporter of goods and services cannot be done overnight, rather it requires long-term vision and planning as well as powerful management. In a country where research and development is of little value, industries and universities go in separate directions and long-term plans change with every new management and administration in command, success would be a distant possibility. The Chinese tackled such issues long ago.

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